The LabLynx LIMS Solution:
Your Lab, Your LIMS, Your Way.

Unlock the full potential of your lab with the LabLynx LIMS Solution. Designed to seamlessly integrate with your unique workflows, our customizable platform empowers you to optimize efficiency, enhance data accuracy, and maintain regulatory compliance. Experience the freedom to tailor your LIMS to your specific needs, driving innovation and success in your laboratory.
Your Lab, Your LIMS, Your Way. | LabLynx LIMS Solution
Your Lab, Your LIMS, Your Way. | LabLynx LIMS Solution
The LabLynx LIMS Solution is more than just software – it's a comprehensive approach to modernizing your laboratory. From the robust platform to our adaptable LIMS applications, industry-specific templates, and dedicated LiMShelp services, LabLynx empowers you to create a LIMS that truly aligns with your unique needs. Scroll down to explore each component in detail and discover how LabLynx can revolutionize your lab's efficiency, productivity, and compliance.
LIMS Solution Platform | LabLynx LIMS Solution

LIMS Solution Platform

The LabLynx LIMS Solution Platform is a comprehensive suite of tools designed to streamline laboratory operations, enhance data management, and ensure regulatory compliance. At its core, the platform provides essential functionality that every lab needs, including sample tracking, data entry, analysis, reporting, and instrument integration.

Beyond the basics, the platform boasts advanced features like Identity & Access Management to control user permissions and ensure data security across all applications. It offers secure and compliant cloud application hosting, eliminating the need for costly on-premise infrastructure. Additionally, the platform includes a robust Project & Managed Services Support platform to assist with implementation, training, and ongoing maintenance. The unified application and data access dashboards provide a centralized view of all lab activities, enabling data-driven decision-making and improved efficiency.

Core functionality that every lab needs | LIMS Solution Platform
Core functionality that every lab needs
Identity & Access Management across all applications | LIMS Solution Platform
Identity & Access Management across all applications
Secure & Compliant Cloud Application Hosting | LIMS Solution Platform
Secure & Compliant Cloud Application Hosting
Project & Managed Services Support Platform | LIMS Solution Platform
Project & Managed Services Support Platform
Unified application & data access dashboards | LIMS Solution Platform
Unified application & data access dashboards
LIMS Applications | LabLynx LIMS Solution

LIMS Applications

LabLynx's suite of powerful applications empowers laboratories to build the perfect LIMS solution tailored to their unique needs. Our flagship ELab LIMS/LIS serves as the central nervous system, seamlessly managing samples, workflows, and data across diverse industries. Complementing this, ELab Notes ELN/LES provides a digital platform for capturing, organizing, and sharing scientific data, fostering collaboration and ensuring traceability.

For enhanced data management, our Scientific Data Management System (SDMS) centralizes and secures laboratory information, while LIMS Portals facilitate seamless communication and data exchange with external stakeholders. Integrating with a wide array of Apps & Devices, LabLynx LIMS ensures data integrity and streamlines laboratory processes. Lastly, our comprehensive Reporting & Analytics tools enable laboratories to derive valuable insights from their data, driving informed decision-making and continuous improvement.

Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)/Laboratory Information System (LIS) | LabLynx LIMS Applications
Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)
Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN)/Laboratory Execution System (LES) | LabLynx LIMS Applications
Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN)
Scientific Data Management System (SDMS) | LabLynx LIMS Applications
Scientific Data Management System (SDMS)
Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) Portals | LabLynx LIMS Applications
Laboratory Portal
Integrated Apps & Devices | LabLynx LIMS Applications
Integrated Apps & Devices
Business Intelligence (BI)/Analytics | LabLynx LIMS Applications
Business Intelligence (BI)
Industry Solution LIMS Templates | LabLynx LIMS Solution

Industry Solution LIMS Templates

LabLynx recognizes the unique challenges and regulations of various industries. Our Industry Solution LIMS Templates leverage our extensive experience across sectors like clinical diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, environmental testing, and manufacturing. We've meticulously crafted pre-configured LIMS solutions tailored to your specific needs, incorporating industry best practices, compliance requirements, and optimized workflows. Whether you're focused on efficiency, data integrity, or regulatory compliance, LabLynx has a template to accelerate your LIMS implementation. Our experts understand your industry's nuances and can guide you through customization, ensuring your LIMS is a perfect fit. With LabLynx, you're not just getting a LIMS; you're gaining a proven solution backed by years of industry knowledge and expertise.

LIMS Services | LabLynx LIMS Solution

LIMS Services

LabLynx offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to help laboratories build and maintain the perfect LIMS solution. Our Consulting Services provide expert guidance on LIMS selection, implementation, and optimization, ensuring your system aligns perfectly with your lab's unique needs. Our Project Services offer hands-on support for seamless LIMS implementation, from initial setup to user training and ongoing maintenance. And with our Managed Services, you can offload the day-to-day management of your LIMS to our experienced team, freeing up your staff to focus on their core responsibilities. Together, these services provide a complete solution for maximizing the value and performance of your LIMS investment.

Consulting Services | LabLynx LIMS Services
Consulting Services
Project Services | LabLynx LIMS Services
Project Services
Managed Services | LabLynx LIMS Services
Managed Services

Why Choose LabLynx?
Your Lab, Your LIMS, Your Way.

The LabLynx LIMS Solution is more than software; it's a partnership dedicated to empowering your lab. With the combined strength of our LIMS Solution Platform, versatile LIMS applications, industry-specific templates, and industry-leading LIMS services, we deliver a truly customizable experience that adapts to your unique workflows and goals.

Whether you're a small lab looking to streamline operations or a large enterprise seeking scalable solutions, the LabLynx LIMS Solution is designed to grow with you. Our commitment to innovation, deep industry expertise, and client-focused approach ensures that your LIMS is not just a tool, but a strategic asset that drives your lab's success.

  • Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts

    It is an entirely new definition of LIMS that goes beyond the alphabet soup of acronyms such as LIMS, LIS, LES, ELN, SDMS, eQMS and a litany of other applications. The Next Generation LIMS is greater than the sum of its parts to provide a single integrated platform of the right tools for the job for what your lab does. It is entirely about managing laboratory information the way your lab works and must work to serve your lab’s stakeholders. It reflects what makes your lab unique and builds on those strengths.
  • End-to-End Laboratory Solution

    It is an all-in-one, platform to manage the information and data management needs for your laboratory regardless of size or type. It is an end-to-end laboratory solution that reflects your lab operations and empowers your lab to change as the needs dictate.
  • Solution Specific to Your Laboratory

    It is a platform that hosts, integrates and harmonizes all of your lab information built around your lab processes and the information access needs of all of your lab stakeholders. It is delivered as a solution consisting of the platform, its applications and services all formulated into a solution specific to your lab.
  • Expands and Adapts with Integrated Apps & Devices

    It is an open, diverse & growing library of integrated applications, devices, services and solutions to solve the most demanding needs within your laboratory environment. Add applications and lab instrument integrations and devices as your needs change.
  • Functionality Without Compromises

    It is a flexible, configurable and customizable platform that not only allows for, but embraces custom applications, existing business apps and specialty line of business apps that focus on delivering a productive, quality solution to boost your lab’s operational efficiency.
  • Secure and Compliant Technology Platform

    It shares a common cloud hosting, technology infrastructure to assure regulatory, quality and security compliance across all applications and functions that make up the platform solution and provides continuous maintenance, monitoring and support to assure disruption free operation that is cloud agnostic and allows apps to run in the cloud, on premises or hybrid and within the legal jurisdiction of your choice.
  • Flexible, Scalable, and Value-Driven LIMS Solution for Life

    It scales both functionally and economically from a 2 person lab to a global laboratory enterprise of thousands of lab stakeholders and it evolves as your lab grows and changes so that the life of Your Next Generation LIMS is measured in decades.

The LabLynx LIMS Solution Suite is designed to adapt and grow with your laboratory's evolving needs.

It's Your Lab, Your LIMS, Your Way, ensuring a customized and scalable solution for the lifetime of your lab.

Transform Your Lab with LabLynx!

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    See LabLynx in action. Schedule a personalized demo to experience how our LIMS can transform your lab operations.
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    Get a custom quote tailored to your lab's unique needs. Our team will help you find the perfect LIMS solution for your budget.
  • Test Drive the LabLynx LIMS

    Experience LabLynx firsthand. Take a free test drive and see how our LIMS can transform your lab operations.
  • Contact Sales

    Connect with our LIMS experts to discuss how LabLynx can meet your specific lab needs.