Construction and geotechnical testing From concrete and asphalt to construction site substrates like clay and rock, the proper quality and characterization of construction and engineering materials is critical to a construction project’s long-term success. The importance of perfecting and using quality construction materials dates back millennia, for example to the…
You’ve explored the LabLynx website, but you still have some LIMS questions. To help you navigate our frequently asked questions page, just click on the links below to find the answers you need.

What are the alternatives to a LIMS?
Examples of LIMS alternatives A laboratory information management system (LIMS) is a modern solution to the increasingly demanding workflow needs of most laboratories, particularly those performing activities in regulated industries. However, laboratory work wasn’t always conducted with the help of such a software system, and a LIMS isn’t always the…

What types of testing occur within a materials testing lab?
Materials testing: The basics Materials science and its associated tests are largely considered a part of the applied science branch of sciences, as the study and testing of the properties of materials are put to use in the manufacture and construction of a wide variety of items. Testing methodologies can…